Read more: http://english.ruvr.ru/2013_04_29/Talks-about-Syrias-weapons-of-mass-destruction-Iraqi-scenario/?fb_action_ids=10151568951709875%2C10151568893849875%2C10151568890804875&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210151568951709875%22%3A571098206256886%2C%2210151568893849875%22%3A140344262816781%2C%2210151568890804875%22%3A595694803774460%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151568951709875%22%3A%22og.recommends%22%2C%2210151568893849875%22%3A%22og.recommends%22%2C%2210151568890804875%22%3A%22og.recommends%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
Commenting on statements made by a number of Western countries on the possible use of chemical weapons by Syria’s authorities, Lavrov said.
"Perhaps, there are states that believe that all means are good for overthrowing the Syrian regime. However, WMDs seem to be a very serious topic, and joking with it is no good. I find it inadmissible to use it and to speculate on it for geopolitical purposes. Because of the attempt of such "geopolitical games” no investigation is being conducted into a concrete incident that occurred on March 19th and that is still an object of concern for everybody. The blame is on the countries which are trying to keep the Secretary General from giving a simple and direct answer to a concrete and direct question".
Chemical weapons were used near Aleppo on March 19th . This fact was registered by various remote control means. The Syrian government asked the UN Secretary General to send a group of experts to investigate. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov mentioned that Ban Ki-moon had approved its request but then - under pressure from some members of the UN Security Council – demanded that the UN inspectors be admitted to any facilities in Syria.
Russia continues to defend its stand on the Syrian crisis. Moscow is urging all exterior players not to side with either of the participants in the conflict and to bring them to the negotiating table instead. The Geneva Communique is based on this approach. According to Lavrov more and more foreign partners are becoming certain that it is necessary to give up terms for the beginning of the dialogue.
Mali’s participation in the dialogue would be also welcomed. The point is that UN peacekeepers were deployed in Mali. Their main task is safeguarding security and counteraction to the terrorist threat. Russia and the African Union believe that this mission will be successful but say that a political dialogue should develop parallel with this. A commission for dialogue and reconciliation has already been set up in the country.