In an exclusive interview with Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle, Senator Paul said that he is contemplating a run for president in 2016 and that he will likely make an announcement on a decision shortly after the 2014 midterm congressional elections.
In CHQ’s presidential straw poll Senator Paul ranks third at 23 percent, behind frontrunner Sarah Palin who is at 31 percent and his fellow limited government constitutional conservative colleague Senator Ted Cruz of Texas who is at 25 percent.
According to a new survey by Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP), Paul leads the pack of potential 2016 GOP candidates in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Paul’s 18 percent in the poll leads New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s 16 percent, 15 percent for former Vice Presidential candidate and House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), 14 percent for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, 11 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), 6 percent for former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, 2 percent for Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and 1 percent for New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez.
Paul told Breitbart’s Boyle he thinks the reason his popularity with voters is rising is because he is willing to take a stand against the establishment on both sides of the aisle. "I think Republicans are hungry for someone who will stand up to the president, stand up to Hillary Clinton, someone who will stand proudly and boldly for what Republicans should stand for: lower taxes, less regulations, balancing budgets,” Paul said according to Breitbart’s reporting.
But here’s the part of the interview that really got our attention, and why we put Rand Paul in our select group of conservative "boat rockers” who just might save this great nation from the destruction is has been suffering under the rule of big government Democrats and Republicans.
According to Matthew Boyle’s reporting, Paul said he thinks the grassroots of America from all parts of the political spectrum are on a different page than Congress and President Barack Obama’s administration.
"I think the thing is the real difference is the grassroots Republicans and, really for that matter, grassroots Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are in a much different place than where the Congress is,” Paul said.
"I think I can go to a national Democrat convention or a state Democrat convention and I can tell them what I tell every Republican audience," he explained. "Not one more penny to countries that are burning our flag. We’ve got needs at home, we need to do some nation-building at home."
"I’ll get a standing ovation from Democrats, Independents, or Republicans," Paul claimed. "If I give that speech in the Senate, I’ll get 10 votes, maybe 20 votes. But see, the people up here are out of touch.”
Paul told Boyle that while the forces of Washington, D.C. insiders often line up against him, he does not find it difficult to take a stand against the establishment.
If we are to establish a conservative government for America we have a huge task ahead of us; we conservatives must seize control of the Republican Party and make it an effective tool for electing conservatives and we must elect limited government constitutional conservatives at every level of government, not just in Washington. That is hard road, but the labor will be made easier if there is a principled limited government constitutional conservative leader calling grassroots conservatives, libertarians and Tea Partiers to the task. Senator Rand Paul’s comments to Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle are encouragement that at least one leader who fits that description is considering answering.