Deripaska Plans China Projects

Author: us-russia
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Deripaska Plans China Projects
Published 11-09-2012, 07:57
Oleg Deripaska, co-owner of aluminum giant RusAl, said he is in discussions on several projects in China as he aims to benefit from Chinese plans to pump $158 billion into infrastructure projects. 

"We have a discussion on many different projects with Chinese companies on developing ports, developing new mines, increasing production at existing facilities," he said on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific summit in Vladivostok.

Prices of shares and metals jumped last week on news of the 60 projects - to build highways, railways, ports and airports.

Deripaska said he was not concerned about a possible slowdown in China, which is targeting 2012 economic growth of 7.5 percent - one of the world's highest but still the country's weakest in at least 13 years. "There is no doubt they will keep growing," he said.

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