The first two congresses were held in 2009 and
2011, as the result of which the International Global Research Association had
been established. More than 700 scientists and experts participated in present
Congress, coming from 40 countries of the world, representing Europe, Asia,
Northern and Southern America, Africa and Australia.
The Opening Ceremony began on the 23rd October, 2013 in the Assembly Hall of the Intellectual Center – the Fundamental Library of the Moscow State University. The international forum of scientists has been opened by the chairman of organizing committee, the honorary president of the International Global Research Association, rector of Moscow State University, academician Victor Sadovnichy. Victor Sadovnichy presented the main purposes of the Congress and gave the short review of the main results of MSU’s research in global social and economic processes, which was conducted by the group of scientists of the Russian Academy of Science and Moscow State University.
The congress was greeted with the telegram by the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation – Sergey Naryshkin. Director of the UNESCO Office in Moscow Mr. Dendev Badarch announced a greeting to the Congress from Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova. UNESCO provided its auspices to the Congress ‘Global Studies-2013’ as a significant international scientific event.
The participants were greeted by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Ambassador Extraordinary of the Russian Federation Alexander Dzasokhov. He also read out a greeting sent by the chairman of the National Commission for UNESCO, the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov.
The organizers and participants also received
greetings from the President of the Russian Academy of Science, Academician V.
Fortov and Academician- Secretary of the Department of global issues and
international relations of the Russian Academy of Science A.Dynkin.
One of the headliners of the Congress, the President of the International Association of "Big History”, professor of Macquarie University (Australia) David Christian, thanked the organizers for the invitation to such an important and significant forum on behalf of all foreign participants.
Among other famous scholars were William Thompson, Professor of the Indiana University (USA); Victor Faessel, Secretary of the International Global Studies Consortium (University of California, USA); Fulvio Attina, president of the Italian Society for Political Studies (University of Catania, Italy); professor Murat Bilhan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and vice-president of Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic Studies; Alexander Chumakov, the first vice-president of the Russian Philosophical Society (Russia).
The Congress included 7 sections, 5 round-table discussions, 3 symposium, master-classes and IT-exhibitions, 2 Video-Conferences and many other events.
Within the Congress a special medal "For the Contribution to Global Studies” had been established by an International Global Research Association. Hosts of the Congress do hope that it will become one of the most significant and highly respected international awards for the scholars of global studies.
A number of well-known Russian and foreign scientists received those medals during the awarding ceremony which was held in the evening of the first day of the Congress. The first medals were given to the members of the Congress programme committee, honorary President of the International Global Research Association, academician V.A. Sadovnichy and the outstanding scientist, follower of V.I. Vernadsky, academician, the oldest member of the Scientific Council of the MSU, Gleb Dobrovolsky (posthumous award).
On the second day, the Congress was held not only in Moscow University, but also in the National Research Center ”Kurchatovsky Institute”. The center held an International Symposium "Convergence as a global trend of the development of science and technologies”, which was moderated by academician Alexander Dynkin. The key speakers were Askar Akaev, the chief fellow of MSU’s Prigozhin Institute of Mathematical Studies of Complex Systems and Michael Kovalchuk, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, director of the National Research Center ”Kurchatovsky Institute”.