Ukrainian government in Kiev has revealed itself to be capable of preposterous lies - political analyst

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Ukrainian government in Kiev has revealed itself to be capable of preposterous lies - political analyst
Published 10-04-2014, 18:40

Dmitry Babich

Dmitry Babich is a political analyst with the Voice of Russia radio station

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has made an interesting statement on Ukraine, which, for some reason, was overlooked by the Ukrainian media. That’s according to the Ukrainian Choice news portal. The United Nations Security Council has, for the umpteenth time, considered the Ukrainian issue, and experts made a rather unexpected conclusion. It turned out that Ukraine has no official boundaries. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kiev hasn’t demarked its borders. Nor has it registered at the United Nations the demarcation of its borders as a sovereign state. The Voice of Russia talked to political analyst Dmitry Babich.

What is happening there?

What is behind this? Well, I tried to dig behind that story and I couldn’t find any confirmation except a lot of reports in Facebook which are of course unreliable. But I would say that although it is quite clear that Mr. Ban Ki-moon’s sympathies in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine are clearly on the Ukrainian side, there is that problem: I remember how the so called friendship agreement was signed between Russia and Ukraine in 1997 and at that time the problem was that both sides agreed not to have territorial claims against each other but the question of the demarcation of the border remained on their agenda. So, there are still some inaccuracies, there are still some not quite clear points, you know, about this border. But I think it is of course a minor issue compared to what is going on right now in Eastern Ukraine and compared to other problems that Ukraine might have with this new government, with its other neighbors. So, to my mind, indeed the world is going to see that the break up of the Soviet Union was a tragedy because if you look at the ethnic map of Russia, Ukraine and neighboring Moldova, you will see that this is a real fruitcake and the formally Soviet borders which used to be just administrative borders inside the Soviet Union suddenly became important in 1991. And suddenly now we see how dangerous the situation is when there are millions of Russians living in Ukraine, there are hundreds and thousands of Russians and Ukrainians living in Transdniestria, who don’t want to live in Moldova, which may merge with neighboring Romania. So, you have all of these very, very difficult ethnic issues which suddenly became important right now when we have the break-up of the Soviet Union, we have the new states and we have the nationalist government in Kiev.

To quickly go back to the situation that is happening in Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk, how do you think the possibility of this situation playing out? What can we expect to see in the development of this situation?

Well, I think we are going to see more protests until the government in Kiev agrees to some sort of federal statute. And morally it is very difficult for Kiev to crack down on this descent, on these demonstrations, because they are doing exactly the same things – they are pursuing the same tactics as Maidan did. And it was Maidan that brought this Ukrainian government to power. Let me just quote a very interesting ‘question and answer’ description of the situation that I saw on Ukrainian Facebook, forgive me for quoting it for just one minute: "Maidan yelled about national self-determination, southeast determined itself. Maidan yelled: ’ Southeast, raise up against Yanukovich’ – southeast raised up against Kiev. Maidan yelled: ’Police is with the people’ – police is with the people in the southeast, police didn’t resist. Maidan yelled: ’Get what you want via revolution’ – southeast is getting what it wants via revolution. So what is it what you dislike?” This is the end of the quote and I think this is a very good question not only to the government in Kiev but also to the government in the US, because the government in the US is 100% behind Kiev and the Spokesman for the State Department Jennifer Psaki today said that she would rely and the American government would rely only on the information from the Ukrainian government in this conflict. But this is just wrong because the Ukrainian government in Kiev is party to the conflict. So how can you rely on the information from just one of the sides in a conflict?

It is a silly geopolitical game and anyone with a half dozen of a brain can probably see that this is a typical business interest, sort of tag of war here, and to me personally as a Russian-American, as a dual citizen, it is quite preposterous to see how the US is using this double standard fully supporting Kiev in its uprising against Yanukovich but now the ethnic Russian folk, the majority..

The same kind of uprising, the same tactics.

And suddenly it is illegal. It is quite ridiculous and I think the world should stand up to this and really take a stance.

Let me just disagree with you on one point. I don’t think it is a commercial interest because the US and the EU are going to lose a lot of money in Ukraine with this new government and they have already lost a lot of money.

But that is some sort of an interest, right? There is an investment into this coup.

No, it is just stupidity because destabilization of Ukraine and destabilization of certain parts of Russia that may ends you from this destabilization, destabilization of the whole region is going to cost dearly to the EU in the first place, to the US in the second.

Is this some kind of ‘a limit Russia’ movement?

Yeah. I mean it is just a terrible stupidity, just like Iraq was a terrible stupidity. I don’t see how it served American interests, I think America suffered from the Iraq operation more than any other nation.

Well, the military-industrial complex made lots of money. And as Van Paul likes to point out a lot, it seems like the military-industrial complex is what is really making the buck from all of this.

In Ukraine even the military-industrial complex is not going to profit because if the EU and the US gave to Yanukovich back in November last year the same money which they are now giving to the government in Ukraine in order to prevent Ukraine from collapsing financially, Yanukovich would agree to sign that Association Agreement and Ukraine would have that agreement without the terrible story, Crimea and without these riots in east of Ukraine. So for the Americans, the EU – their activity in Ukraine is a ‘lose-lose’ activity. They are losing money, they are losing stability, they are losing credibility, they are losing their relations with Russia, they are losing everything without gaining anything.

I hope that the American public can really wake up to the media iron curtain that they have been imposed in the US and perhaps take a stance because when something is becoming so preposterous it needs to be taint for the better of this planet.

If they continue to listen only to the Ukrainian government as Jennifer Psaki promised they are going to remain in the dark for many, many days because the new Ukrainian government in Kiev has revealed itself to be capable of preposterous lies. Lies- it is their style of living. That is the situation in Ukraine unfortunately.

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