Author: us-russia
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Published 25-05-2014, 16:05


Advancing a Constructive Agenda for U.S. - Russia Relations 
June 16 - 17, 2014 Washington, DC 

The current crisis in Ukraine, which many see as the beginning of a new era of U.S. - Russia geopolitical confrontation, underscores the urgent need for a new foreign policy agenda that will advance both American and Russian long-term strategic interests. 

Please join us for a timely and insightful discussion of this important matter with a group of leading American and Russian Experts. 

Program Schedule: 

Monday, June 16, 2014 

1:00 – 5:00 PM with coffee break 
Hart Senate Office Building, Room 902 
Constitution Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets, NE 
Washington, DC 

US - Russia Relations: Restoring a Constructive Agenda 
Welcoming Remarks by His Excellency Sergei Kislyak, Russian Ambassador to Washington 

1.00 - 2.30 PM First Panel: 
Edward Lozansky - President, American University in Moscow, moderator 
Stephen Cohen - Professor, New York University and Princeton University 
Robert Legvold - Professor, Columbia University 
Mark Ritchie – Minnesota Secretary of State 
Michael Stopford - Former NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Strategic Communications 
Mead Treadwell - Lt. Governor of Alaska 

2.30 - 3.00 PM Coffee Break 

3.00 - 4.30 PM Second Panel 
Matthew Rojansky - Director, Kennan Institute, Speaker and Moderator
James Carden - Contributing Editor to American Conservative, Former Advisor to the State Department on Bilateral US - Russia relations 
Leonid Gozman - President, Union of Right Forces movement (SPS) 
Jack Matlock - Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow 
Wayne Merry - Former State Department and Pentagon Official 

6:30 - 8:30 PM 
Russian Embassy , 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW 
Reception hosted by His Excellency Sergei Kislyak, Russian Ambassador to Washington 

Tuesday, June 17 

10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (18.00 - 20.30 Moscow time) 
National Press Club , 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor - Interfax Moscow 
Online teleconference with the Russian experts: 
Lt.General Evgeny Buzhinsky - former head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Defense 
Vladimir Lukin - former Russian Ambassador to Washington 
Fedor Lukyanov - Editor-in-Chief, Russia in Global Affairs 
Sergei Mironov - Head of the "Just Russia" party in the State Duma 
Georgiy Muradov - General Secretary, Russian Association of International Cooperation 
Sergei Stepashin - former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Head of the Audit Chamber 

3.00 - 5.00 PM 
Russian Cultural Center , 1825 Phelps Place, NW 
Prospects for US - Russia cooperation 
Elena Branson - President, Russian Center NY, moderator 
Dmitry Akhanov - CEO of Rusnano USA 
Rita Guenther - Senior Program Officer, National Academy of Sciences
Gerard Janco – President, Eurasia Center 
Mikhail Kalugin - Head, Economic Section, Russian Embassy 
Edward Lozansky - President, American University in Moscow 
Cesar Queiroz - Senior Advisor, Claret Consulting 
Axel Tillman - CEO USA, Russian Venture Company 
Ralph Winnie Jr. - Director of Global Business 

5.30 – 7.30 PM Reception 
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