"In a diplomatic practice there is a so-called reciprocity principle, so in response to the corresponding actions of the British authorities (not to let some members of the Russian delegation to take part in the International Airshow) Russian Foreign Ministry should take retaliatory measures with respect to the British representatives, members of the business circles, British journalists, who will ask for an entry permission to the Russian Federation”, Korotchenko explained.
Korotchenko added that the reaction from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs should follow shortly.
"We should expect that the Russian Foreign Ministry will give instructions to the Russian embassy in the UK, to create the package of reciprocal measures, similar to those used by the British side”, Korotchenko stated.
The UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs representative told Agence France-Presse agency that "Russian delegates did not receive invitations from her Majesty’s Government because of Russia’s actions in Ukraine.” He also mentioned that London has taken an "explicit action” to exclude Russia from the list of countries that can buy British aircrafts in order to "prevent Russia from taking part in the Airshow”
The European Union and the US did not recognize the results of a Crimea referendum held in March, when the vast majority of citizens voted for reunification with Russia. A number of Western countries have then imposed sanctions against certain Russian companies, officials and politicians.
The Farnborough event combines the public airshow with the international exhibition for the aerospace and defense industries. This year the Airshow takes place on July 14-20. Russia planned to present the most advanced and innovative combat aircrafts, however due to the visa issues not every member of the Russian delegation will now be able to attend the exposition.