80% of all voters participated in the referendum on March 17, 1991. 77.85% of them voted for the preservation of the USSR.
The turnout on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR was 83.5 percent, of which for Ukraine remaining a part of the renewed Union, voted 70.2%. Including me.
And indeed, more than 50% voted for the Union in almost all the regions of the Republic. Except for one..
KR: Who is a separatist now?

"Do you consider it necessary to preserve the USSR as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which rights and freedoms of people of any nationality will be guaranteed?"
In accordance with the results of the referendum the authorized by the Central and Republican authorities working group within the so-called Novo-Ogarevo process in the spring and summer of 1991 developed a project for a Treaty of Federation "On the Union of Sovereign Republics", the signing of which was scheduled for August 20.
But the State Committee on Emergency Situation on August 18-21 undertook an unsuccessful attempt to remove M. S. Gorbachev from the post of the President of the USSR by force, disrupting the signing of the Union Treaty:
"...Using the offered freedoms, violating the newly emerged sprouts of democracy arose extremist forces committed to the elimination of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the state and a seizure of power at any cost. The results of the nationwide referendum on the unity of the Fatherland were trampled."
- From "Appeal to the Soviet people" of the Emergency Committee of the USSR on August 18, 1991.
In the fall of 1991 the working group of the Novo-Ogarevo process prepared a new draft of the Union Treaty on the creation of a "Union of Sovereign States" as a Confederation of Independent States. Its pre-signing was to take place on December 9.
However, on December 8, 1991, the presidents of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, "noting that the negotiations on the preparation of a new Union Treaty stalled, the objective process of the withdrawal of the republics from the USSR and formation of independent States became a real fact", concluded Belovesh agreement establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States, an intergovernmental organization, which has no state status. The CIS was later joined by other Union republics.
On December 26, 1991, the session of the Council of Republics - the upper chamber of the Supreme Council of the USSR, formed on September 5, from which at that time only the representatives of the Central Asian republics were not called back, adopted a Declaration No. 142-N on the dismantling of the USSR.
KR: What happens when borders do not correspond to the wishes of the population? That's right, wars...On the former territory of USSR democracy was violated at its most fundamental level. All the future conflicts were sealed in 1991.
Galicia did not become "Soviet" in 50 years, and Donbass and Crimea could not become "Ukrainian" in 23 years either.