Today it is clear that the USA will move some part of its military troops out of Afghanistan by 2014, as was firmly promised by President Barack Obama. What remains unclear is what the status and size of the remaining contingent is going to be. Another question is what military bases the USA and NATO are planning to set up in Afghanistan. Some information was leaked from the White House that those questions would be discussed with the Security Council. But it's become clear that the USA is planning to decide this issue on bi-lateral basis between Kabul and Washington. At least the Pentagon talks about this scenario more frequently.
How far have they moved in deciding this issue? So far, according to the Afghan Ambassador to Russia Azizulla Karzai, the agreement is «only on paper».
«Yes, the USA promised to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. But due to the quite understandable reasons some part of the USA troops will remain in order to continue to prepare our own troops and police to be able to protect the stability and security of the country on their own. What can one say about the military bases? If that issue was reviewed, the process is not over yet. The story about the bases is not finished yet. The sides have not arrived at a specific decision yet».
The Pentagon, the White House and American generals located in Afghanistan keep proving controversial information on the composition of the remaining contingent, on its tasks and number. «Three to four thousand troops» has been mentioned as well as a pool of advisors. Those troops would protect the buildings where the US representatives are located and train the Afghanis.
According to Colonel General Mikhail Sotskov, who in his time as the chief military advisor was responsible for wrapping up Russia’s military presence in Afghanistan, the "three to four thousand troops” would clearly be too little to guarantee the security of the embassy and to staff the training centers or military bases.
«For the protection of a military base like Bagram Air Base alone minimum a brigade would be required. And if we take into account joint operations with the Afghani Armed Forces, a whole division will be necessary. There are several such bases, plus the training centers. That is why we are talking dozens of thousands of troops», says Mikhail Sotskov.
In addition, in his opinion, the USA and NATO need to make sure that after their withdrawal a civil war does not break out. Because right after the withdrawal of the troops the situation can easily be aggravated by the problems that Afghanistan has traditionally suffered from. We are talking the same set of problems: «the Pashtuns and the North», weak government in Kabul and strong Pakistan.
As is well known, by the end of this year the USA plans to sign with Kabul a separate agreement to go along with the strategic treaty which will regulate the status of the military bases, the quantity of the military contingent and its tasks. If we take into account all that was said by General Sotskov, the agreement might be quite large.