The Game-Changers Arrive - Video - S-400 Arrival

Author: us-russia
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The Game-Changers Arrive - Video - S-400 Arrival
Published 10-12-2015, 16:00
Well, it looks like the game-changers have arrived. In this footage we see what we've been promised. The S-400 big boys in Syria. bada bing bada boom

November 26th, 2015

Military Advisor + Fort Russ

Well, it looks like the game-changers have arrived. In this footage we see what we've been promised. The S-400 big boys in Syria. bada bing bada boom 

Who would'a thought?  

These are the things 'no fly zones' are made of.  Mama mia! 

What did Russia lose a few days ago, a plane, and a man.  A personal tragedy for one, but a 'do as you please' card for a nation.  It doesn't take a wise guy to figure that one out. 

That's the cold and calculated truth of the matter.  Erdogan has given Russia and Syria a bigger gift than they could have begged for.  Who needs a good ravioli sauce when you got this?  Looks like the whole Turkish air force will be sleepin with the fishes if they wanna get crazy.

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