Please watch it attentively. And let’s try to understand why it has infuriated so much the official Kiev.
To be fair, the masterpiece did not reveal anything new. So far there were a lot of separate investigations by international organizations, NGOs, concerned individuals etc on different aspects of the "Revolution of Dignity": who actually killed the "heavenly hundred", what happened in Odessa in May 2014, what is going on in the zone of "anti-terrorist operation” in the South-East of Ukraine, where are the "Russian troops” and where are the Western mercenaries there… But most of them were successfully ignored by the mainstream Western media, stick to their comfortable myths about Euromaidan.
The principal danger of Paul Moreira heartbreaking 50-minutes long documentary is that it exposed all critically important lies and silenced facts about "Revolution of Dignity” and its agents in a concentrated form at the established French TV channel.
Paul Moreira did not do anything but showed a simple and honest truth – there was no dignity in that "revolution”. There is no "free civilizational choice” and "independent and legitimate authorities” in today’s Ukraine. There are gangsters licensed to kill and rob, psychopaths and criminals in the "democratic parliament”, parallel Nazi-inspired army, foreign officials who manipulate the political process in a sovereign country, media under total nationalist control etc. His argumentation and picture are so evident, eloquent and bright that there is no reasonable way to refute them. Here is the cause of hysteria and calls to ban (which paradoxically has triggered unprecedented public attention to the movie far beyond France) – they understand that an open and fair discussion would lead further undesirable revelations against the interim rulers in Kiev.
One more pleasant outcome of this story is that the rumors about clinical death of the independent journalism in the West are apparently somewhat exaggerated…