New Russian Concessions to US 'Impossible From Now on' Due to Washington's Move

Author: us-russia
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New Russian Concessions to US
Published 4-08-2017, 07:07
Moscow won't make concessions to Washington after the signing of the anti-Russia sanctions bill into law, First Deputy Chairman of Russia's Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich said Friday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Wednesday that Moscow and Washington should identify areas for cooperation and referred to the ceasefire in south-western Syria, upheld for almost a month, as an example of successful interaction between the states.

"We used to make concessions sometimes, counting on similar responsive steps of the US side, but it is impossible from now on. Russia will build its cooperation with the United States only in a pragmatic manner, interacting only in those spheres, where [the cooperation] meets [Moscow's] interests," Klintsevich said.

The politician noted that the adoption of the US sanctions bill had predetermined the nature of the relations between Russia and the United States for years to come.

On Thursday, Trump blamed the Congress for "an all-time & dangerous low" in relations between the United States and Russia. Trump was apparently referring to the bill he signed into law on Wednesday that included new sanctions against Russia and prevented Trump from lifting any current sanctions without congressional approval.

Klintsevich added that cooperation could continue on such issues as the Syrian settlement and global security.

New US sanctions target Russia's defense, intelligence, mining, shipping and railway industries and restricts dealings with Russian banks and energy companies. The bill also stressed that the United States would continue to oppose the construction of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline. The law also limits the US president's ability to ease any sanctions on Russia by requiring Congressional approval to lift any restrictions.

Last week, the Russian Foreign Ministry described the new sanctions as "absolutely illegitimate" and responded with its countermeasures, suspending the use of all US Embassy warehouses and its compound in Moscow. Russia also mandated that the US cut the size of its diplomatic staff in Russia by 755 people by September 1.

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