Trump should adhere to his ‘America First’ agenda
Let us honestly admit it. Despite the blistering rhetoric of President
These countries have enough economic and political resources to reach an acceptable agreement and, due to their geographic location, they have vital rather than hegemonic interests to make a deal.
South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in never concealed his desire for reconciliation and remains committed to opening a dialogue with the North, so why not let him try?
Japan, which during World War II committed heinous crimes against Koreans, can and should provide a solid financial and economic assistance package as a part of this agreement. The Japanese government officially accepted the requirement for monetary compensation to victims of war crimes, as specified by the Potsdam Declaration. South Korea did receive some reparations, but so far the North got nothing.
China has the largest clout as it controls about 90 percent of North Korea foreign trade, and Russia can offer additional economic incentives, which might work much better than threats and insults. For example, Russia’s proposed gas pipelines to South Korea could generate substantial transit fees for the North.
Europeans do not like the war rhetoric at all. French President Emmanuel Macron called for more cooperation with Beijing and Moscow to settle this crisis, and newly re-elected German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that she would be willing to step in if asked. Even Switzerland and Sweden offered their help to mediate.
During his election campaign, Mr. Trump strongly condemned George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s military adventures, which did not bring too much glory to the United States. Instead, they brought huge misery and devastation in the Middle East, the rise of ISIS, tens of thousands of Americans dead and wounded, plus trillions of dollars wasted.
So why not make a spectacular turn around and prove your credentials not by starting another war with even more dramatic and devastating results but by building a new world order where other willing powers take part and share the risks to maintain the regional security.
All those who are on Mr. Trump’s mailing list, including myself, are getting daily appeals from him to help with his "America First” mission, which is "being challenged by deep pockets of our government and winning the liberal establishment that is fighting to destroy us from within.”
If Mr. Trump were to implement the aforementioned North Korea scenario, not only his base but the overwhelming majority of the American people would applaud him and assure not only his victory over internal enemies but the creation of a solid foundation for a new and more peaceful world order.
Edward Lozansky is president of the American University in Moscow, Professor of Moscow State and National Research Nuclear Universities. He is the author of the book "Operation Elbe”, which describes joint US – Russia anti-terrorist efforts.