No Violations Found in US Media Work in Russia – Russian Communications Watchdog

Author: us-russia
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No Violations Found in US Media Work in Russia – Russian Communications Watchdog
Published 5-10-2017, 00:07
Roskomnadzor’s Deputy Chief in an interview on Thursday to Sputnik commented on US media work in Russia, amid the recent row on the violation of rights of Rusian media in the US.

"Roskomnadzor [Russian Communications Watchdog] regularly monitors the activities of some 40 US media outlets on the territory of Russia. No violations in their work were found,” Vadim Subbotin said.

Earlier in the day, the Russian upper house’s Committee on State Sovereignty Protection noted involvement of US Russian-language media in attempts to interfere in Russia's internal affairs, Andrey Klimov, the committee's chairman, said and emphasized the unprecedented pressure of US officials on Russian media operating on US territory, mainly the RT broadcaster.

Over recent months, Russian media such as RT and the Sputnik news agency faced pressure in the United States over allegations on their role in meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. Russia has repeatedly denied the allegations, insisting that it does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

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