By William Dunkerley
If you heard Putin say "Russia's Jews aren't worthy to be called Russian"
would you take offense? I would. That's an affront to common sensibility. It
certainly sounds anti-Semitic to me.
When Senator Richard Blumenthal heard Putin imply that sentiment in a recent
NBC interview he reacted strongly: "Repulsive Putin remark deserves to be
denounced, soundly and promptly, by world leaders."
The only trouble is that Putin never made that statement. Blumenthal was
responding to NBC's translation of Putin's remarks in a TV interview with Megyn
Kelly. But Putin didn’t speak the words NBC claims he did. NBC distorted his message.
I don't know if it was done intentionally with political motive or if it was
just incompetent journalism. But NBC's mistranslation set off a chain reaction.
Newser.com remarked that Putin critics have "assailed the leader for his
apparent implication that Russian Jews aren't true Russians."
The sensational story spawned headlines like these:
"Putin condemned for saying Jews may have manipulated US election" --Washington Post
"Putin suggests Jews with Russian citizenship behind election
meddling" --USA Today
"Hey, Putin: Don’t pin this on the Jews" --Salt Lake Tribune
And in response to the media furor, leading Jewish organizations also chimed
Anti-Defamation League's Jonathan Greenblatt stated, "President Putin
bizarrely has resorted to the blame game by pointing the finger at Jews and
other minorities in his country." He added, "It is deeply disturbing
to see the Russian president giving new life to classic anti-Semitic
stereotypes that have plagued his country for hundreds of years, with a comment
that sounds as if it was ripped from the pages of the Protocols of the Elders
of Zion."
The American Jewish Committee tweeted: "President Putin suggesting that Russian Federation
minorities, be they Ukrainian, Tatar, or Jewish, were behind US election
meddling is eerily reminiscent of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Journalists and agitated commentators perhaps didn't realize that NBC had
altered what Putin really said. Here's what transpired:
In the TV interview, NBC's Megyn Kelly questioned Putin about 13 people in Russia recently indicted in the US for
allegedly interfering with our last presidential election.
NBC claims Putin responded: "Maybe they are not even Russians, but
Ukrainians, Tatars or Jews, but with Russian citizenship…" That's what set
off the firestorm.
A more reliable translation of Putin's comments would be: "Maybe they are
not even ethnic Russians, but Ukrainians, Tatars, or Jews who are Russian
The point here is that Putin's antagonists prematurely had been tagging the 13
indictees specifically as "ethnic Russians." According to BBC, "Russia
is home to people from at least 190 ethnic groups and counts more than 20
different republics within its borders."
Clearly Russia's
Ukrainians, Tatars, and Jews are not ethnic Russians. They of course are
citizens of Russia
possessing the same rights of citizenship as ethnic Russians.
Putin was simply correcting the inaccuracies of his accusers' statements, not
deflecting blame to any particular ethnic groups. Perhaps it was not politic
for him to have waded into that clarification, but he made a valid technical
point. I suspect he was speaking out of frustration over the apparent ignorance
of his antagonists.
But how did this get to be such a contentions issue? The Times of Israel provides the answer. It reported: "Community
members say the Russian president was trying to distance Moscow
from US
election meddling, not blame Jews for it."
To understand this point it's necessary to realize that Putin used the term
"Russki" when he spoke about the 13 indictees.
According to Boruch Gorin, a well-known Moscow
rabbi: "Russki does not mean a citizen of Russia, but a person of Russian
ethnicity. And since Jewishness is widely recognized in Russia as an ethnicity, as opposed
to just a religion, Russian Jews are not really considered as ethnic Russians,
though they are certainly accepted as Russian citizens." A Russian Jew,
along with every other Russian citizen regardless of ethnicity, is a
"Rossianin" according to Gorin's explanation. Only an ethnic Russian
is called a Russki, the term used by Putin.
ToI reported "Gorin's benign
view of Putin's remark is shared by the chief rabbi of Moscow, Pinchas Goldschmidt."
So strangely this was all a very big to-do over nothing.
There's something else strange about the blowup. I contacted ADL and AJC to
explain NBC's distortion. In light of it I asked if they wanted to revise their
hyper-emphatic positions, since they had reacted to something Putin never actually
said. They declined to take that into consideration. I also asked Blumenthal's
office. His spokesperson responded, "The Senator stands by his
So what do you make of that?
They all severely criticized Putin for something he never said. And when that
fact was brought to their attention they decided to stick with their criticisms
Doesn't that speak to the integrity of the parties involved?
As for the news outlets with the sensational headlines? Where was their fact
checking and due diligence? This incident reflects on their integrity and
reliability as well. Certainly their audiences deserve better.