GOP Senator After Moscow Visit: US Sanctions on Russia 'Not Working That Well'

Author: us-russia
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GOP Senator After Moscow Visit: US Sanctions on Russia
Published 8-07-2018, 20:07
One of the latest rounds of US sanctions was imposed in March 2018 against several Russian entities and businessmen over alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election, accusations that still haven't been backed up by evidence amid an ongoing probe by special counsel Robert Mueller's commission.

After visiting Russia earlier in the week, US Senator Ron Johnson expressed skepticism over the effectiveness of the US sanctions against Russia in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

"I think you'd be hard-pressed to say that sanctions against Russia are really working all that well," he said.

He noticed that while broad economic sanctions didn't not have "a real horrible effect," the personalized ones, aimed against Russian businessmen, "appeared to be" effective.

The US has imposed sanctions against 5 Russian organizations and 19 individuals over alleged meddling by the Kremlin in the 2016 US presidential elections — a claim that Robert Mueller's special investigative commission has failed to prove so far and which has been repeatedly denied by Moscow. The US president has labeled Muller's investigation and accusations by the Democrats of him having ties to Russia a "witch hunt."

Washington also imposed sanctions against 7 Russian businessmen in April of this year under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

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