William Dunkerley
New Movie "Active Measures "
Brings Rabid Anti-Russianism to the Silver Screen
By William Dunkerley
If you believed Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons, this movie is for you. If
you're an ideologue on an anti-Russian bender, you'll find this movie intoxicatingly
pleasant. But if you want a real dose of reality about the troubling
Trump-Russia scandal "Active Measures" has nothing for you except an
object lesson in how mass deception is done.
"The President is a puppet of Vladimir Putin!" That sums up the
revelations of the blockbuster movie "Active
Measures." It recently debuted at theaters in New
York and Los Angeles.
This couldn't be more timely as we approach the November midterm elections.
We've seen Republican candidates get a real boost from a Trump endorsement in
recent special elections. Will Republican candidates be propelled to victory in
November on the strength of Trump's support?
If Trump really is a puppet of Putin's do we want to let that happen? Are we
headed for another "attack on America's democracy" in the
wake of what happened in 2016? This could have very serious consequences.
As I watched Active Measures from
start to finish I had a couple of pointed reactions. The first was to observe
the apparent strength of conviction the cast of characters seems to have
regarding the movie's avowed theme. The second was to realize that the strength
of evidence they produced pales by comparison.
Active Measures has a star-studded
cast. It includes former presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and the late
John McCain, former US envoy
to Moscow Michael McFaul, the former presidents of Georgia
and Estonia,
and a host of others. Each appears in the role of an interview subject. There's
no host asking questions -- just the commentaries and quips from the
interviewees alone.
Now, some of you may wonder just what the movie title Active Measures means. It is a term I first heard from a former
State Department intelligence official. It was coined during the Cold War era
to describe a variety of Soviet political warfare activities that included
propaganda, disinformation, and others.
Active measures is definitely a pejorative term, much in keeping with the
movie's theme. Indeed what is that theme? According to the International Movie
Database (IMDb): "Russian president Vladimir Putin attacks the 2016
American Presidential Election in collaboration with The Trump Campaign."
That theme is in effect a premise for the film's implied and explicit
conclusions. The theme has been all over the news throughout the past two
years. You can't miss it. As a media business analyst and senior fellow at American University
in Moscow I've
devoted a lot of attention to examining that premise and searching for factual
confirmations. As a result I was quite interested to learn what Active Measures had to offer. Is there
indeed convincing proof that Trump is Putin's puppet?
One fact stood out clearly. This is a movie that seems intent on convincing
audiences of its premise. But it doesn't offer much proof of anything.
For instance, Clinton
says of Putin, "He wants to be the richest man in the world." How in
the world does she know that? I've never seen any assertion of that goal by
Putin. What's the point of Hillary's comment? It's simply a hyperbolic
disparagement I think.
Then there is McCain's comparison of Putin with the rise of Hitler. McCain was
a widely lionized senator, respected by many. But he had a long history of
making vacuous, diminishing statements about Putin. He could have been more
constructive if he had focused on reality-based problems with the Russian
president in the US-Russia relationship. Instead McCain just joined Clinton with more
hyperbolic disparagement.
That approach to things is more worthy of mindless bar room banter than of
honest and serious discourse. McCain had acknowledged that he made some
mistakes during his career. His negative fixation over Russia seems to have been one of
Other characters in the movie touched on issues that are very well known to me.
For starters there's a comment by Jonathan Winer. He brought up the 2006
polonium poisoning death of Alexander Litvinenko. Winer said it was a
"murder that was very directly linked to Russia." That alludes to the
long-running mainstream narrative that Putin was behind it all.
But that is a false narrative. I meticulously studied the Litvinenko case at
the behest of the International Federation of Journalists. Subsequently I wrote
two books about it. They document that the popularly believed narrative is
actually a magnificently perpetuated hoax orchestrated by a political enemy of
Putin's. I don't know whether Putin had anything to do with Litvinenko's death.
But my books prove that the people who made the case against Putin were lying.
What did Winer know about the Litvinenko case? According to the State
Department he's a former official from its Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. He
was State's special envoy for Libya.
Perhaps more interesting is information from a February 2018 Weekly Standard article. It reports that
Winer had been "old pals" with Christopher Steele, the guy of Trump
Dossier fame. That's the document that plays a key role in the ongoing Robert
Mueller Russiagate probe.
The Weekly Standard article claims
Winer and Steele were at one time "both in the business of selling
'business intelligence,' much of it involving Russia." More recently,
according to CNN, Winer was "the man who gave the [State Department] the
Steele dossier." The document has since been largely discredited and tied
to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
Next up is the matter of Russia's
media problems. This dates back to the early days of Putin's presidency. He was
widely accused of clamping down on the press freedom that had been nurtured
under Yeltsin.
In Active Measures former State
Department official Daniel Fried claimed that "Putin started forcing the
independent media to knuckle under, putting in state control, turning them into
propaganda outfits."
The only problem with Fried's claims is that there had been no real press freedom
for Putin to have clamped down on. Right from the start Yeltsin had instituted
laws that made it practically impossible for media companies to operate
profitably and be self supporting. That thrust the outlets into the clutches of
government officials and oligarchs. They put money into the loss-making media
companies in return for the opportunity to color the news to their own favor.
The media were "propaganda outfits" right from the start. How could
Fried have missed all that? At one time he was the Assistant Secretary of State
for European and Eurasian Affairs. Why, he had even been on the staff of the
National Security Council and a special assistant to president Bill Clinton!
If Fried got the press freedom issue so wrong, one wonders what other issues he
bollixed. Well actually he tells of another in Active Measures. After misrepresenting the press freedom quagmire
so badly he goes on to claim that Putin started "going after independent
journalists." Fried said, "They ended up dead."
That's an allusion to another mainstream myth about Putin. It is that when
Putin became president, journalists who wrote unfavorably about Russia's
president suddenly were becoming victims of murder. The facts speak
differently, however. The Committee to Protect Journalists maintains statistics
on journalists murdered in the line of duty. Those stats show there was
actually a precipitous drop in the number of journalist murders when Putin took
over. The reality is the opposite of what Fried contended in Active Measures. And there's no evidence
that all these murders were tied to silencing oppositional voices.
What's going on here? This Active
Measures cast of characters is beginning to look more like a rogues'
Some of their assertions seem to belie a level of confusion. That's what I saw
in the comments of former ambassador Michael McFaul. Speaking about the alleged
2016 election hacking he said "They stole the data. Let's be clear about
it... This is theft. If the Russians walked into my house and took something
out, this is exactly the same thing."
But if Russians had walked into McFaul's house and walked out with, say, his TV
there would be no more TV in the house. It would be gone. With a data breach,
the data owner still has the data. What's lost is the secrecy of the data, not
the data itself. I don't want to minimize the significant problems that can
emanate from a data breach. But it surely is not "exactly the same
thing" as McFaul contended.
A more consequential matter is that of Putin's KGB background. Past reports had
often repeated McCain's line, "I looked into his eyes and saw three
letters: a K, a G and a B." Now Active
Measures says this about Putin's KGB past: "His role in the KGB was to
support Russian intelligence officers living under assumed identities under
deep cover inside the United States
and developing active measures to impact the policies of the United States."
That is a quote from Jeremy Bash, identified as CIA chief of staff 2009-2011. I
could find no evidence that Bash has any particular Russia expertise. So I sought to
examine his comment from a security service point of view. To do that I called
upon a colleague in whom I have considerable trust. He has extensive expertise
both in security matters and Russian issues. I showed him Bash's statement and
requested his analysis. Here is my distillation of what I was told:
--As a non-Russia expert in the CIA it is unlikely that Bash would be privy to
who was doing what in the KGB during the 80s.
--Putin's actual role in the KGB was extremely insignificant, virtually that of
a clerk assigned to a backwater posting in Dresden, East Germany.
--As to running an American operation, Putin couldn't even speak English at the
time; his specialty was Germany.
Putin didn't learn English until late into his presidency.
--Upon returning from his Dresden
assignment Putin was fired by the KGB. It is well known that agents involved
with foreign deep cover operations can neither be allowed nor forced to leave
the service irrespective of their personal qualities or performance.
--Russia's undercover
operations are known to be run directly out of Moscow,
and not from a remote outpost such as Dresden.
For twenty years General Yuri Drozdov was understood to be the boss of the
foreign deep cover work, certainly not Putin.
Active Measures presents still more
specious, factually unsupported stories to advance the movie's primary premise.
For example, there is the matter of the 2016 Republican platform with regard to
There's also the mysterious death in Washington DC of the head of Russia's English language
broadcasting arm. These and other vignettes follow the same pattern of
deception as the stories above that I examined in depth.
I'm not saying that every word spoken by cast members is untrue. But the
ultimate impact of all the words is to mislead the audience to a conclusion
that is at odds with the truth.
I was a high school student during the Soviet era. And I recall in a course
titled "comparative government" the teacher defining propaganda this
way: It is the presentation of half truths and fabrications with the goal of
misleading an audience toward a false conclusion.
That's exactly what I found in Active
Measures. Cast members state unfounded premises as if they are facts. Then
they draw conclusions based on those premises. Audience members unable to tag
the premises as false will likely be drawn into accepting the conclusions
without realizing they've been hoodwinked. That's the danger presented by Active Measures.
Aside from the Russia-specific content, Active
Measures also deals with Donald Trump's business activities and finances.
That's an area in which I have no expertise. As a result, I don't know whether
or not the information presented by cast members is honest.
I'm not suggesting that all cast members are liars. There may be some outright
liars within their midst. But there are others who simply have blindly adopted
beliefs about Russia
based on misinformation that they've heard from others. And there are also cast
members who have publically become so personally tied to the mainstream false
narratives they espouse that they lack the courage to back away from the fraud.
Perhaps even some were innocently drawn into participating in the film without
realizing what they were getting into.
But whatever brought these individuals to this course of deceit, I think they
certainly should not be given a presumption of honesty or reliability. Their
words deserve extreme scrutiny. Here are the cast names and affiliations as
presented in Active Measures:
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State (2008-2013): Toomás Hendrik Ilves,
President of Estonia (2006-2016); Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia
(2004-2013): Senator John McCain, Senate Armed Services Committee; Senator
Sheldon Whitehouse, Senate Judiciary Committee; Congressman Eric Swalwell,
House Intelligence Committee; Steven Hall, CIA Chief of Russia Operations
(1985-2013); Michael McFaul, US Ambassador to Russia (2012-2014); Nina
Burleigh, Journalist and NewsweekCorrespondent; Craig Unger, Journalist and Vanity
Fair Contributing Editor; James Woosley, Director of Central Intelligence
(1993-1995); John Mattes, Bernie Sanders Organizer, Investigative Journalist;
Richard Fontaine, President, Center for New American Security; Michael Isikoff,
Author, Russian Roulette; John Dean,
White House Counsel to President Nixon (1970-1973); Dr. Herb Lin, Director
Cyber Policy and Security, Stanford University; Clint Watts, Former FBI Special
Agent on Joint Terrorism Task Force; Evan McMullin, US 2016 Presidential
Candidate, CIA Operative (1999-2010): Dr. Alina Polyakova, Brookings
Institution, Foreign Policy Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe;
John Podesta, Chair, Hillary for America, Founder, Center for American
Progress; Jonathan Winer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International
Law Enforcement (1994-1999); Jeremy Bash, CIA Chief of Staff (2009-2011),
Pentagon Chief of Staff (2011-2013); Ambassador Daniel Fried, Assistant
Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs (2005-2009); Scott Horton,
International Law and Human Rights Attorney, Columbia Law School; Heather
Conley, Kremlin Playbook Author,
Center for Strategic and International Studies; Steven Pifer, US Ambassador to
Ukraine (1997-2000), US Department of State (1978-2004); Asha Rangappa, FBI
Special Agent on Counterintelligence (2002-2005), Associate Dean of Yale Law;
Molly McKew, Information Warfare Expert; Alexandra Chalupa, DNC Consultant
So what does this all add up to?
Active Measures sets out to warn of
how active measures are being used to deceive Americans about a
"conspiracy hiding in plain sight."
The irony of it all is that Active
Measures itself is an actual exemplar of active measures. It presents
specious commentary as if it were factual. In a sense it is sucker bait. Its
producers call it a documentary. That's true. It documents its own deception.
But don't skip watching the movie over that. It offers a perfect opportunity to
witness highly polished political misinformation in action.