William Dunkerley
Prince Harry Nominated for King of Russia
By William Dunkerley
A strange assortment of current events is in the news. Trump's impeachment over Ukraine has gone to trial in the Senate. Britain's Prince Harry precipitously has quit the royal family. Meanwhile Russia's government has fallen in response to Putin's threats of restructuring.
Are any of these events related? You might be surprised. One shocking result could be that Harry might wind up as King of Russia.
How could that happen?
It is little known publically, but Harry was long ago proposed to lead a new Russian monarchy. Seriously. Now, one might wonder if Putin has picked up on that idea. Will it be the major restructuring that is up his sleeve?
That might sound like a ludicrous turn of events on its face. But the confluence of events makes it curiosity arousing.
To recap: Within a short period of time Prince Harry quits the royal family, then Putin's threat emerges for a major political restructuring in Russia. Meanwhile Trump gets tried for refusing Ukraine lethal weapons for use against Russia. That's one fistful of funny coincidences, if you ask me.
And all this is happening with the background of Harry's name having been thrown into the ring to become a future king of Russia.
Who threw in Harry's name?
It was a man named Boris Berezovsky, now deceased. He was an erstwhile high government official in the Yeltsin years, once presumed to be the richest man in Russia. But he was also a sly business manipulator and master of public deceit.
My forthcoming book, "Oligarch Schmoligarch: Boris Berezovsky, the man who wanted Prince Harry to be the King of Russia" exposes the whole story, including his push for Harry's ascendancy to the Kremlin throne. The book is slated for release in March. (Check www.berezovsky.net for updates.)
For now, though, we're left to wonder what's in store. While British Prince William meanders slowly toward his country's throne, his brother Prince Harry may be on a fast track to become King of Russia.
Were that to materialize, it means that sometime in the future we might see that the reigning kings of Britain and Russia are in fact brothers. Doesn't that boggle the mind.
If you are wondering why Berezovsky thought Harry would be good for the Russian throne, here's the low down.
In 2012 the Moscow Times wrote that Boris Berezovsky proposed instating "a constitutional monarchy in Russia and named Britain's Prince Harry as a candidate for king." The Times quotes Berezovsky's Facebook page:
"The return of a monarch to the throne will restore the interrupted thread of time and will become a symbol of Russia’s resurrection. Prince Harry, the youngest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and one of the bright symbols of the modern civilized world, is a possible candidate. He has more Russian blood than Russia's last emperor Nicholas II, his great-great grandmother is Queen of the Hellenes, Olga Constantinovna, from the Romanov House.
"Instead of a representative authority there will be direct democracy. State Duma and Federation Council will be annihilated. The projects prepared by active citizens and that have passed a professional appraisal will be voted for online."
That's quite a grand scheme.
Here's what I think. Despite the suspicious confluence of events involving Harry, Putin, and Trump, I'm not so sure Berezovsky's idea is what Putin truly has in mind at the moment. My look into its possibility is presented somewhat sardonically.
However, there presently exists a jarring disparity in interpretations of what Putin is actually after. Many American media outlets are suggesting he's pursuing a diabolical plan to keep himself in power indefinitely. At the same time, some expert observers see it differently. They believe Putin is actually paving the way for his exit from power, while perhaps preserving some role for himself in foreign policy until new leaders prove their mettle.
Time will only tell which version pans out. In the meantime, though, keep an eye on Harry. Is it possible that Berezovsky's fantastic vision might come true?