Water is the primary function of all life. The earth's surface is 80% water, and the human body is over 90% water. There is a potential abundance of water, and yet record-breaking droughts, desertification, forest fires, and famine plague our species. Current UN estimates state that the world is facing the worst food crisis in over 50 years! How might these crises be understood and creatively solved through such activities as 1) desalination programs, 2) atmospheric ionization of to induce atmospheric rivers to move over land instead of oceans 3) aquifers like Libya's Great Manmade Water project or 4) great water transfer projects like China's Move South Water North' now unfolding in China?
Other potential topics include 1) the Like Chad River basin project to replenish Lake Chad using excess water from the Congo River basin now being supported by the African Union, China and an Italian water firm and how this resolves the many hotspots and conflicts across Africa turning the Sahal into a world breadbasket. 2) The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) program as a 60 year old continental water management program once supported by the Kennedys, 3) Water desalination for the middle East (the topic the Middle East needs water not Henry Kissinger is a fun concept), 4) Resolving the water crisis in Crimea with fresh water supplies being cut off by Kiev, 5) Resolving the Egypt-Ethiopia water dispute over the Nile. 6) How might abundance be created by reviving the Jongelai Canal project connect the White and Blue Nile Rivers in Sudan?
Experts of the Event:
Hussein Askary - Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute
Matt Ehret - American University in Moscow, Rising Tide Foundation
Yury Goryachev - Unesco Department, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Marina Krivenkaya, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Edward Lozansky - American University in Moscow - Moderator
Alexander Molokhov -International Association "Tavrida "
Herbert Reginbogin - Catholic University of America, American University in Moscow
Vladimir Zakharov -International Council of Russian Compatriots,Centre for Cross-Cultural Education "ETNOSFERA”
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