Former US diplomats criticize White House`s sanctions policy towards Iran

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Former US diplomats criticize White House`s sanctions policy towards Iran
Published 18-04-2013, 09:49
The Obama’s administration’s diplomacy towards Iran has been strongly criticized by a panel of former senior American officials and outside experts in a report they released on Wednesday. They have recommended the White House should reconsider the adopted policy line as it has not brought expected fruit yet and may subsequently lead to "long-term alienation between the Iranian people and the United States.”

In the report issued by the Iran Project the former diplomats and experts have expressed an opinion that harsh sanctions will not drive Teheran to concessions.

"I fundamentally believe that the balance between sanctions and diplomacy has been misaligned,” said Thomas R.Pickering, who used to work in the State Department as a high-ranking official.

The report has been released as the Obama administration have been repeatedly urged by Israel and Congress to put more pressure on Iran through putting a sharp time limit on negotiations and imposing more sanctions on it.

The imposed sanctions have already caused a critical drop in the value of the Iranian currency and an inflation rise.

 Voice of Russia

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