Published 3-09-2012, 09:21
Oleg Deripaska
Oleg Deripaska is chairman of Basic Element and chief executive of Rusal
centuries Russia has walked in step with Europe. Our country and its citizens
have been at the centre of the continent's history. It is our biggest trade and
foreign investment partner. But while Russia is rightly proud of its place in
Europe, this focus has left our eastern regions underdeveloped. We need to put
this right if we are to develop the full potential of Siberia for the benefit
of the country and of the rest of the world.
Two thirds of Russia is in Asia and it is the Asian tigers, not Europe or North
America, which are the great hope for the global economy. As the summit of the
Asian-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum next week will hear, the continent's
share of world GDP has virtually doubled since 2000. With the eurozone crisis
set to dampen European economies for years, Russia cannot rely only on its old
partners a shift which puts Siberia and the Far East firmly in the spotlight.
For these regions are no longer on the periphery but at the new centre of the
world economy. Even more importantly, it is Russia's east that contains the
overwhelming majority of our country's rich natural resources and potential for
rapid economic growth. To realise this promise, and facilitate trade with
eastern neighbours, a big new effort must be made to develop the region's
If you consider that 70 per cent of Russia's copper and nickel reserves and 80
per cent of coal are in eastern Siberia and the Far East, the geographical
position ideal for building efficient supply chains. It takes as little as four
days to transport goods by sea, for example, from Russia's Far East to China
compared to 14 days from Australia, 23 days from South America and 35 days from
Brazil. Siberia can also help address global problems such as water and food
shortages in heavily-populated Asian countries by exporting agricultural
products and supplying much-needed fresh water.
Siberia's natural advantages should be the basis for creating a new Asian
tiger, providing a much-needed boost to the wider region and world economy.
This can only be achieved, however, if the damaging legacy of lack of interest
and investment are tackled. Despite all its advantages, the region remains
Russia's poor relation. Incomes are well below the national average, and poor
infrastructure is directly holding back long-term ambitions. Supplying coal
requires modern ports and rail routes. Yet transport links remain poor with the
region's railways capable of carrying only 60 per cent of freight traffic
Generating and exporting energy needs new dams and transmission capacity. But a
lack of modern power lines prevents energy being exported. Less than 20 per
cent of the hydro-electric potential of the rivers of Siberia and the Far East
is being utilised.
It is not just roads, rail links, airports, power and IT infrastructure that
must be transformed. We need to accelerate the modernization of the region's
industries, invest in technology, renew communities and improve quality of
life. For too long, the needs of Russia's Eastern regions and its people have
been overlooked.
Delivering this transformation won't come cheap. According to the Russian
Academy of Science, the bill for modernising infrastructure could come to
$220bn. Nor will it happen overnight. It took China decades to deliver major
At the moment, China spends 9 per cent of GDP on infrastructure compared to 2.5
per cent in Russia. This is the future. America's total spending on
infrastructure is steadily falling and now stands at around 2.4 per cent, while
Europe invests 5 per cent but is dramatically cutting back. The challenges
these economies face should act as a warning and a motivation for Russia to
shore-up its infrastructure.
Siberia is, however, starting from a strong position. Its natural resource base
and advantageous geographic location are such vital ingredients for economic
growth that they will lead to much quicker progress. I expect to see great
benefits within 10 years. I am convinced, too, that the impact could, in its
own way, be as important as in China where the economic miracle is now driving
global growth.
Closing this gap requires the private and public sector to work together in new
innovative ways to deliver the funding and expertise. There has to be greater
involvement, too, of foreign investment from Asia and beyond including support
for cross-border projects.
Asia itself has shown how investment in improving infrastructure and
strengthening private-public partnerships provide the platform for outstanding
economic growth. I believe, with the right investment, we could see
Siberia's per capita annual GDP increase four-fold within 20 years from today's
level of $5,800. And the full integration of Russia into the Asia-Pacific
regional economy will provide powerful benefits for the global economy.
While bringing this transformation about the ultimate goal must be to preserve
the unique Siberian natural environment such as Lake Baikal for future
generations. Siberia's future industry must be the one of the greenest on the
planet by embracing modern technology.
This week's APEC summit in Vladivostok will address how to boost cross-border
economic integration, improve supply lines and foster innovation. The
attendance of Russia's most senior government figures and business chiefs
underlines how the country's eastern regions are increasingly seen as central
to its economic future.
Russia's regional and national governments are also prioritizing the
modernisation of the country's creaking infrastructure. Stronger legal
safeguards and frameworks have been put in place.
Russia and the wider Asian region cannot afford to leave Siberia and Eastern
Russia behind. The demand for infrastructure in Russia must now be met with