For the past decade people have realized that implementation of the global net opens incredible prospect for society:in 2002, for instance, only 24% of Russians thought of the Internet positively, at present their number has risen by 11%. This opinion is shared mostly by those who use the Internet daily (75%). Practically more often among the mostactive Web users are the respondents with higher education (64%) and Moscow dwellers (63%).
Those who argue about Internet’s profits (71%) think the Web is a great source of information which is available any time they need it.Twenty one percent of the respondents tend to think it is very convenient to communicate and get acquaintances via the Internet. Others suppose the Web may be used for online payments (7%), shopping, entertainment, work and education.
There are those, however, who see negative points in the global web development and its penetration to Russia (24%).People are sure there is quite a lot of "trash” on the Web (32%). There also those who suppose the Internet has bad influence on the young people, that it makes the youngsters stupid (26%) and unable to analyze information properly.