Patrick Armstrong
Patrick Armstrong is a former political counselor at Canadian Embassy in Moscow
In my last Sitrep I said that the West was trying to pull off a coup in Ukraine against the duly elected President.
We now have very strong evidence in the shape of an intercepted phone call betweenAssistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. They talk about how to arrange a new government and are not as supportive of the EU as they would be in public. Pretty hard to spin this as anything else but another "colour revolution”.
But, of course, suchalleged intercepts are often faked and by themselves aren’t necessarily evidence of anything.
But White House spokesman, Jay Carney has (probably inadvertently) admitted the veracity of the intercept. Surely he will attempt to walk this back once he realizes that he has given away the secret, but it’s too late.
The intercept ishere; the report of Carney’s press conference ishere.
Get it now before it is disappears down the memory hole.
So who made the intercept? Carney says Russia but Ukraine also has the capability. Whether Kiev or Moscow, they’re finally getting better at the propaganda war.
Will there be more intercepts coming?