S. Stepashin
The Prime Minister of Russian Federation in 1999, The Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia in 1998, The Minister of Justice of Russia in 1997, The director of the the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in 1994-1995
The speech of British Prime Minister David Cameron in the newspaper «Sunday Times» with sweeping accusations against Russia marked a new stage of escalation of the Ukrainian crisis in order to involve EU in the war against Russia.
Until now, American politicians and European officials have been playing significant role as a major warmongers by having brought to the power their protégés, Ukrainian Nazis, and by encouraging them in mass crimes against the people of Eastern Ukraine with the aim to involve Russia in war. It is the first time, when the head of the government of the one of the leading European powers has urged for war against Russia. Motivated by this accompaniment Ukrainian troops began the physical destruction of Lugansk and Donetsk including all inhabitants of this cities.
Just as it was in 1938, when British Prime Minister Chamberlain exhorted European leaders to bless the German Nazis campaign against the USSR, the present British Prime Minister expressed unequivocal support for the Ukrainian Nazis and angrily convinced his European colleagues to " change the attitude to the Russia fundamentally" blackmailing us by unleashing a new war. Desiring that this deja vu were not turned into a nightmare of a new world war we have to respond to the British Prime Minister
Thus, analyzing the theses of your speech, Mr. Cameron:
1 . The statement, that belonged to you, that "more and more evidences points out at that fact that airplane, flying flight MH17, was shot down by anti-aircraft missile from the area, which was controlled by the rebels," is an outright lie. Vice versa every day the evidences proving facts opposite to this suggestion are growing, confirming Russian President Vladimir Putin's statement, having been made just after the crash of the airplane, that the airplane was shot down by Ukrainian military. You probably know about the obvious evidence of finding Ukrainian Air Force fighter near the downed plane, this was released to the press by Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation , and even earlier – this information was announced by the Spanish dispatcher in Kiev and by local civilians. There is data that just before the crash, the air defense was rapidly strengthen and activated just
in the area of the crush , that means that this crime had advanced preparation and was carefully planned, as well as the withdrawal of the aircraft from the specified route into the military trap ,which had been prepared beforehand by Ukrainian army. Furthermore, the absolutely outrageous facts about fraud and fabrications with the allegedly intercepted negotiations between militias made in advance by the Security Service of the Ukraine, indicate that this crime have been prepared by Ukrainian Security Services, which as you probably know, is controlled by CIA. The fraud has been done in order to provoke European countries to involve them in war with Russia, which according to this plan should be blamed in the destruction of the airliner. And you, Mr. Prime Minister, are involved in it and you are a participant of this criminal provocation.
2. You insult us by using the unfair and wrongful accusation, based on falsehood, proclaiming :”This is the result of actions of Russia ,which destabilizes sovereign state, violates its territorial integrity, supports, trains and equips the criminal formation. And we have to respond to this iniquity by acting ". Respected leaders of the NATO countries, the truth that this crime is exactly result of your actions that have led to this tragedy. You and your colleagues have supported armed rebellion and coup d'etat in Ukraine, fulfillment under Nazi slogans. You must being informed about the mass crimes and murders of citizens of Ukraine committed by the regime of Poroshenko-Yatsenyuk-Turchynov-Avakov-Nalivaychenko. If you do not know, look in the White Book of the crimes committed against the citizens of Ukraine junta supported by you. Blood of the brutally burned children and women in Odessa, thousands murdered civilians in Mariupol, Slavic, Kramatorsk, Lugansk, Donetsk and other Ukrainian cities , this blood is on the hands of your protégés. Unless massacres committed by junta do not touch your citizens, you do not notice them as well as the daily shelling and bombing of cities in eastern Ukraine with the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous, intentional destruction of life support systems there. Now, Ukrainian Nazis, supported by you, reached your citizens, tempted them into the trap, destroyed Malaysian plane. I think it will be interesting to you to know that American and European instructors and advisors are training and educating these Nazis, and, moreover, the CIA and possibly your security services, are involved in the planning of punitive action against the inhabitants of Eastern Ukraine.
3. You're saying that if President Vladimir Putin have stopped supporting fighters in eastern Ukraine and would allow Ukrainian authorities to restore order, the crisis would
have ended. There is no doubt that it would have ended with the physical destruction or expulsion of all Ukrainian citizens who disagree with the Nazi regime
4. When you state that the rebels do not represent the people of Ukraine, you act as an advocate of the Ukrainian Nazis, which refuse to consider everyone, who disagrees with them, as the citizens of Ukraine. So, you support ethnic cleansing, mass executions of civilians. Thus, you determine and push Nazi to the new crimes.
5. You really should not have to forget the lessons of the history of Europe, Mr. Cameron. Pushing sweeping accusations and provoking a new war, you consider yourself entitled to fight and pit people and judge the nations, to rule the world by the path of lie and violence. So did your predecessors - Chamberlain and other European leaders, supporting and inciting Hitler against the USSR. Destroying Iraq on false charges of the presence of weapons of mass destruction. Bombing of Belgrade. Since you have participated in it, destroying Libya. Millions of innocent citizens paid with their lives for all these, for all your crimes. Including the passengers of the downed aircraft, which lives were taken for framing provocation for your protégés for new crimes against the humanity.
I agree with you only in that it is necessary to conduct a full investigation of the crash. Russia, as you requested, provided the most detailed and comprehensive information about the incident, as well as facilitating the collection of all the evidences and in finding the bodies.. We hope that your experts, to whom the evidences were transferred, will now be able to clarify and scrutiny the situation objectively. . And you will study out why the Ukrainian authorities are destroying all the data from their radars, which led this airplane. And you can take testimony from Ukrainian air traffic controllers, which according to the SSU order are being prohibited to say anything.
The last one. You are suggesting about the need to establish long-term relations between Ukraine, Russia and the EU, in the format depending on how Russia will react to the tragedy.
The Russian authority has reacted according to your urges, demanding immediate cessation of hostilities and pressing for the start of negotiations.
By the way, during the anti-terrorist operations in Chechnya my country did it at the same way .
Sorry for being harshness, as all this hurts me much.