Edward Lozansky
Edward Lozansky is president of the American University in Moscow, Professor of Moscow Sate and National Research Nuclear Universities
The World is not black and white. Both East and West can be accused of many monstrous acts during the last century including WWI and WWII. It is the same story in the 21stcentury. No one is clean from the horrific crimes committed in the Balkans, Middle East and Ukraine.
However, there are the times when all sides should use to search for peace and reconciliation to jointly meet the common global security challenges. The upcoming 70th anniversary of the liberation of the entire continent of Europe from the Nazi plague was exactly such chance for a joint celebration and rebuilding of bridges between the nations of East and West.
Unfortunately, through both ignorance and incompetence the West missed this historic opportunity.
It used be the countries of the Eastern bloc who did exactly what Moscow told them to do. Nowadays, in the ironic twist of history it is the bloc of Western countries who take direct orders from Washington. However, could it be that in this case Washington is wrong?