This paper argues the importance of using modern methodology of Marxist analysis for the study of imperialism and the so-called "empires”. This methodology allows to show the mechanisms of economic, political, ideological and other manipulation of the "periphery” from the "center” capital and the states. On this methodological basis, it is proved that capitals and state machines of semi-periphery countries in general and Russia in particular are mostly objects of imperialist subjugation and manipulation and only in some rare cases are these countries and their capitals able to be subjects of the imperialist policy.
The analysis of the contradictions in the relations of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the West is given. It is provided the system of political, economic and geo-political arguments proving that Russia as a rule does not act as a subject of the imperialist policy and only in some cases (generally relying on the Soviet legacy) Russia is able to withstand the "rules of the game”, given by the imperialist powers. It is argued that the cases when Russia withstands the "rules of the game” is the main reason for the imperialist powers’ diatribes against "Russian imperialism”.
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Buzgalin is Doctor of Economic Sciences and Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov is Doctor of Economic Sciences and Professorat Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Olga Vladimirovna Barashkova is a Master of Economics and graduate student at the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
PDF: Russia, A New Imperialist Power, by Buzgalin, Kolganov, Barashkova, 56 pages, June 2016