Patrick Armstrong
Patrick Armstrong is a former political counselor at Canadian Embassy in Moscow
WESTERN VALUES™. So now RT America is a "foreign agent". (Remember all the faux outrage about Russia’s FARA imitation law? No? But it was only a year ago: "Russia: Four years of Putin’s ‘Foreign Agents’ law to shackle and silence NGOs". Hard to keep up, isn’t it?) In case you think this reflects poorly on the "champion for free speech and free press”, John McCain, channelling Brezhnev, explains why it doesn’t. In the Cold War they blocked us but we didn’t bother to block them. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out: the side that mostly lies wants to stop its population hearing the side that mostly tells the truth. One reason is that telling (mostly) the truth is just easier. For example, Russian propaganda for the home audience lets the Western side say whatever it wants as long as it wants. Why? "the Russians have no need to lie, their propaganda is fundamentally truthful, fact based and logical…. unlike their American counterparts, the Russians are not engaging in policies which they cannot justify before their own public opinion or before the public opinion of the rest of the planet”. In Syria the Russians are doing what they say they are doing; no need to explain why Russian troops supposedly in Ukraine can’t be seen; there are no Pokemon stories in Russia. In short, Russian propaganda is all made in the West and every idiotic story is re-played. "So yes, the Russians are using the immense arrogance and poorly-concealed hatred for Russia of some of the more pompous and least intelligent representatives of the West to paint an absolutely fair and accurate representation of the western ruling elites”.
SPEAKING OF THINGS HARD TO JUSTIFY before the Western public. "Raqqa’s dirty secret…. a secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters…. escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition…". "Some of the U.S.-made weapons available on these markets likely first entered Syria as part of an ill-fated Pentagon program to train and equip fighters in northern Syria to take on the Islamic State.” Are these bugs or features? Either way, the West isn’t doing what it says it is doing.
RELIGION. I found this video interesting: Putin and most of the Russian religious establishment (named here, but not the RC Ordinary for some reason) honour Minim and Pozharsky. That’s diversity.
RUSSIA INC. Inflation fell to 2.7% in October; this is a post USSR record low. Slowly but surely.
BOMB SCARES. There have been a series of hoax bomb scares across Russia lately. Phoned in from abroad we are told. Wondered that myself: I’m not suggesting it was governments but the panic is constantly pumped higher and there are a lot of excitable people out there.
REMITTANCES. A study shows that all FUSSR states except Russia and Kazakhstan are "intensely dependent” on remittances. Author’s summary: "a new system of transnational, cross-border dependency, unprecedented in its intensity”. The two "magnets” are the EU and Russia. An interesting take on the post-Soviet reality; at the end of the day, you’re either a dependent of one or of the other.
AMERICA-HYSTERICA. Best summary of the story so far: "The two sources that originated the allegations claiming that Russia meddled in the 2016 election… were both paid for by the Democratic National Committee…". Even the MSM is starting to notice (WSJ): "The Clinton campaign commissioned a foreign ex-spy to gin up rumors, which made it to U.S. intelligence agencies, and then got reporters to cite it as government-sourced.” Crowdstrike and Fusion GPS are the ur-sources. We get closer: a Fusion GPS exec spent seven hours with the House Committee on Tuesday. Bershidsky, no friend to Putin & Co, points out how ludicrous the theories have become. This was never expected to become public; it was supposed to stay in the background of her march to the White House.
PUTIN DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. Spreading fast. "How the Russian meddling machine won the online battle of the illegal referendum” (El Pais). "Putin’s lying machine: Revealed, how Russia’s spewing out ruthless propaganda… ". Enjoy the map which shows how the Kremlin is "stoking discord” around the world. Again we see that lying takes more effort. And a constant effort too: always plugging holes in the narrative which gets ever more preposterous. (But read the comments: the story isn’t selling well).
MAYBE FILE. "American” LNG delivered to Europe is actually purchased in Russia. Same source said "American” coal for Ukraine also came from Russia. It wouldn’t surprise me, but I await confirmation.
SYRIA. The Syrians have liberated Abu Kamal, the last urban hold of Daesh in Syria; 25 months after Russia intervened. Some American talking heads are still in denial (more convolution).
UKRAINE. Maidan II continues but the WMSM doesn’t see it. On Sunday Saakashvili led a march demanding Poroshenko’s impeachment. Couldn’t make this stuff up.
© Patrick Armstrong Analysis, Canada Russia Observer