According to the current political vocabulary the "deplorables” are people who are rooting for Trump, while the "useful idiots” are those who believe that for the United States it is much better to have Russia as a friend rather than a foe.
We honestly admit that belong to both of these camps, but one would think that in the current unprecedented anti-Trump, anti-Russia and anti-Putin climate in the mainstream media only a few Americans would feel the same way.
However, a new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 52% of likely U.S. voters agree with Donald Trump’s continuous tweets that "… having Russia in a friendly posture, as opposed to always fighting with them, is an asset to the world, and an asset to our country, not a liability.” Just 27% disagree, and another 21% are undecided.
Moreover, 76% of Republicans and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party agree with the statement.
Even more surprising is a sharp turnaround from the Cold War years, as 79% of conservatives agree that it’s better to be friends with Russia, but just 27% of liberals share that view. So, who are the warmongers these days?
Well, these numbers are not bad at all. The feel is definitely not like we still belong to a tiny group of dissidents back in USSR.
America and Russia might disagree on many points but as President Reagan said, reflecting his deep concern about the threat of war between the world’s two foremost nuclear powers: "I just happen to believe that we cannot go into another generation with the world living under the threat of those weapons and knowing that some madman can push the button some place.”
Much as Reagan believed that the only way to escape this looming disaster was to work with USSR – even when it was still communist – Trump feels the same way about working with post-communist Russia. Reagan was right then, and Trump is right now.
Despite fierce resistance from Congress and media it looks like there is some progress on U.S.-Russia cooperation on defeating ISIS in Syria, with hopefully more on the horizon. According to Washington Times on separate occasions last week, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Army Gen. John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, spoke publicly of Washington and Moscow’s shared interests in the fight that could also align with each country’s larger regional security goals.
This is long overdue. It is the time to revive the 1945 "Elbe Spirit” when Americans and Russians were allies who jointly defeated our common enemy, Nazi Germany.
To conclude, we wish all Americans a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukah, and a very Happy New Year and invite you to Russia House to celebrate these and other family events or just to have a good time.
• Edward and Tatiana Lozansky are the owners of Russia House Associates, a Washington, DC company that promotes mutually beneficial U.S. – Russia business, science, educational and cultural cooperation