Published 20-06-2013, 15:23

Editor-in-chief Ekaterina Zabrovskaya hopes Russia Direct will allow readers and participants to find new avenues for cooperation following renewed interest in Obama’s reset of relations with Russia amid a prickly diplomatic environment.
"The United States and Russia have had a long relationship important to both of these major world powers with impact far beyond just their borders. Take any major international issue and chances are that both Washington and Moscow have a vested interest in it, which sometimes aligns and other times puts these countries at odds with each other,” she said.
"That is why today, our team is thrilled by the opportunity to unveil Russia Direct: A publication whose mission is to improve U.S.-Russian relations on the interpersonal, inter-agency and intergovernmental levels,” explained Zabrovskaya.
The website will feature over a dozen channels offering various formats of discourse and debate on the present bilateral diplomatic environment. A section titled Decoder examines how current events are covered by both Russian and American media to help readers in both countries understand the others’ perspective.