Where in the World Can Edward Snowden Go?

Author: us-russia
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Where in the World Can Edward Snowden Go?
Published 4-07-2013, 10:19
The options of finding a country that will grant him asylum are slowly dwindling for US fugitive Edward Snowden. The former CIA and NSA contractor, who leaked intelligence secrets to the press about the American government's mass surveillance programs, has been on the run since late May when he fled to Hong Kong.

Since then, only a handful of countries have indicated that they would grant him asylum. Until he can determine where he can go next, all indications are that he's still holed up in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Here is a list of nations that have fallen on Snowden's radar, and what their current response is to his asylum bid.



1. Austria (Extradition treaty with the US signed in 1998) - Snowden must be on Austria's soil in order to complete the request.



2. Bolivia (Extradition treaty signed in 1995) - Hours before his plane was rerouted to Austria on Tuesday over suspicions that Snowden was on board, Bolivian President Evo Morales said he would be willing to consider the US fugitive's asylum request.




3. Brazil (Extradition treaty signed in 1961) - Snowden has been denied asylum.



4. China (Hong Kong) (Extradition treaty signed with Hong Kong in 1996, before it was reintegrated with China) - US officials accused the former British territory of stalling their request for extradition in late June, before Snowden left for Moscow. China has not signed an extradition treaty with the US, and has not given a response over whether it would grant Snowden asylum.



5. Cuba (Extradition treaty signed in 1904) - No response reported.





6. Ecuador (Extradition treaty signed in 1872) - Snowden must be on Ecuador’s soil in order to complete the request.




7. Finland (Extradition treaty signed in 1976) - Snowden must be on Findland’s soil in order to complete the request.




8. France (Extradition treaty signed in 1996) - No response reported, although French President Francois Hollande said he has "not received any particular demands" from Snowden.



9. Germany (Extradition treaty signed in 1978) - Technically, Snowden must be on Germany's soil in order to complete the request. However, a government official said the possibility of granting a person asylum from abroad can be made for humanitarian reasons. "This needs to be examined thoroughly in the case of Mr. Snowden," the official added.



10. Iceland (Extradition treaty signed in 1902) - Snowden must be on Iceland’s soil in order to complete the request.




11. India (Extradition treaty signed in 1997) - Snowden’s asylum request has been denied.




12. Ireland (Extradition treaty signed in 1983) - Snowden must be on Ireland’s soil in order to complete the request.




13. Italy (Extradition treaty signed in 1983) - Snowden’s asylum request has been denied.




14. Netherlands (Extradition treaty signed in 1980) - Snowden must be on Netherlands' soil in order to complete the request.




15. Nicaragua (Extradition treaty signed in 1905) - No response reported.




16. Norway (Extradition treaty signed in 1977) - Snowden must be on Norway’s soil in order to complete the request.




17. Poland (Extradition treaty signed in 1996) - Snowden’s asylum request has been denied.



18. Russia (No extradition treaty signed after the 1917 Revolution. However, one was ratified in 1887.) - Snowden, who has spent more than a week in a Moscow airport transit zone, withdrew his asylum request after President Vladimir Putin said he can stay in Russia only if he stops "damaging our American partners."



19. Spain (Extradition treaty signed in 1970) - Snowden must be on Spain’s soil in order to complete the request.




20. Switzerland (Extradition treaty signed in 1990) - Snowden’s asylum request has been denied.



21. Venezuela (Extradition treaty signed in 1922) - Possibly might grant asylum. "We haven't been asked for help, but when he asks, he will have an answer," Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan president, said Tuesday.




RIA Novosti

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