Published 21-03-2014, 18:58

This week, arch-neocon Bill Kristol unleashed his attack dogs against my Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Our dozens of media appearances and hundreds of articles opposing their plan for war with Russia over Ukraine is just too much for them. This week, in the Daily Beast and in Kristol’s own Washington Free Beacon, a coordinated attack has been launched to defame, discredit, and silence my Institute.
Why? Because the American people are hearing our message, and by an increasing majority they oppose US intervention in Ukraine – and everywhere else the neocons want to bomb.
My op-ed this week in USA Today, the nation’s largest circulation newspaper, washighlighted on the hugely popular Drudge Report. Our ideas are getting even more traction – and they cannot stand that. So they are using their enormous resources to try to silence our message of peace and prosperity. We want engagement and diplomacy; they want sanctions and war.
We may not have nearly the resources of the war party, but the good news is that we can do much more with so much less because we work harder and we have the truth on our side!
Please help me fight back against the neocons and continue to promote my message of peace and prosperity. Please join my Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. If you have already supported our efforts, we thank you and ask that you please consider making another donation.
Thank you so very much for your support,

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