Russia, US Emergencies Services May Expand Cooperation

Author: us-russia
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Russia, US Emergencies Services May Expand Cooperation
Published 8-10-2012, 03:09
Russian Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov said cooperation with the United States in forecasting emergencies and providing assistance may be expanded.

"Our partnership broadens each year, and we find new areas of cooperation,” Puchkov told a meeting of the Emergency Situations Working Group of the Russian-US presidential commission that took place in the Far Eastern Russian city of Vladivostok.

The group’s meeting was chaired by Puchkov and Timothy Manning, deputy administrator of the National Preparedness Directorate within the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Puchkov also said Russian and US rescuers and firefighters will participate in exchange programs.

A protocol including the key cooperation areas was signed after the meeting.


RIA Novosti


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