Of course,
issues like jobs, immigration, foreign trade, gun control and race relations
are definitely important for determining the quality of everyday life. But
there is a still moreimportant, I’d say existential issuewhich has beenhardly
mentioned during the campaign: whomost likelywill get us into a nuclear war
that will end civilization as we know it?
Sadly, western Main Stream Media (MSM) in the best traditions of Soviet style agitpropis overwhelmingly in tune withHillary’s war mongering rhetoric and her neocon and liberal interventionist backers.However, ordinary citizensin their right mind should be encouraged to see through this propaganda to the clear facts. All the wars that both Clintons and Obama got us into should make folks take a pause and think. Trump, on another hand, with all his shortcomings, at least promises to steer the country out of war with Russia and concentrate on defeating not imaginary but ourreal enemies like ISIS and al-Qaeda who are indeed threateningthe security of the United States and our European allies.
Therefore, here is a simple suggestion for those who will go to the polls on November 8.Vote for Trump if you are for Peace and for Hillary if you want War. Accompanied by well-designed posters, bumper stickers, T-shirts, baseball hats, pins, and other memorabilia this slogan should do the job.
Edward Lozansky is president of the American University in Moscow, Professor of Moscow Sate and National Research Nuclear Universities