December 7, 2017 9:30 AM
Location: Zenger Room
Book Presentation: "Does the United States Have a Future?” by Gilbert Doctorow
The Zenger Room, 9.30am – 11.00 am, December 7th,
Format: An introductory talk by the author followed by Q&A
In this new collection of essays, the author continues to explore issues raised in his 2015 work "Does Russia Have a Future?" Doctorow argues that the two questions are directly interrelated ever since the United States made the destruction of the "Putin regime" and containment of Russian power in general a key priority of its foreign and security policies.
The articles guide the reader through the action-reaction between the US and Russia over the time covered as the USA began losing the tug-of-war with the Kremlin.
They detail our potentially catastrophic military confrontations with Russia in the final months of the Obama administration and then again in April, 2017 following the US cruise missile attack on Syria. These existential risks were kept from the American public by a blackout on Russian-sourced news imposed from Washington, as several chapters demonstrate.
Other essays draw upon the author’s experience during a nine-month period of "stardom” from May 2016 to January 2017 as one of a handful of foreigners, and of Americans in particular, who were invited to appear on Russian political talk shows for the domestic television audience to comment on the American presidential campaign through the inauguration of Donald Trump.
A graduate of Harvard College, Doctorow did his graduate research in Moscow as a Fulbright Scholar and holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University. He later worked in international business including 8 years as Managing Director, Russia for multinationals beginning in 1994. Doctorow began writing on international affairs in 2008 and was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia in 2010-2011.
The Q&A moderator is Ray McGovern, former CIA daily briefer to US Presidents.
Gilbert Doctorow