73 years have passed since the Victory Day. For the people of our countries this day will never lose its significance. We celebrate it as a great holiday. The Victory over Nazism on May 9, 1945 meant that live prevailed over death.
Nations of the Soviet Union have paid the highest price of 27 million lives for peace. Back then the war knocked on the door of every house. We remember all, who fell victims to Nazism or died fighting it. Their memory is sacred and inviolable to us. So are the monuments that immortalized their heroic deed.
We are proud that the triumph of the peoples of the Soviet Union crushed the German war machine, ended the slaughter of European nations, the Holocaust, and liberated prisoners of "death camps.” Soviet soldiers, who entered the concentration camps, became beacons of light and hope for their inmates, crippled by Nazi gears of destruction. The Soviet soldier helped the world witness the horrors hidden behind the gates of those camps.
On this day millions of people across the globe honor men and women who fought in the allied armies to free the world from the Nazis. We are glad that every year more and more descendants of the Soviet victors take to the streets to partake in "the Immortal regiment” marches. They carry on the living memory of the Victory, of the comrades-in-arms and the "Spirit of the Elbe” that united our nations and the American people back in 1945.
Anatoly Antonov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation
Meret Orazov, Ambassador of Turkmenistan
Kadyr Toktogulov Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan
Erzhan Kazykhanov Ambassador of Kazakhstan
Grigor Hovhannissian, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia
Pavel Shidlovsky, Charge d’Affaires of Belarus
Farhod Salim, Ambassador of Tajikistan